Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Swag

We've launched are big swag storm of sexy shirts and other such great things.

Check it out at:

Rock on!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Store!

Alright, it's done! We've launched the store!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Modern Emotive - Eco-Cool Designs

modern emotive
modern emotive,
originally uploaded by chironbramberger.
Cool Recycling Business

A friend of mine runs this really cool eco-friendly business, creating cool products using recycled designer paper. You can check-out her great products on ArtFire & Etsy.

Check it out:


Saturday, July 11, 2009

What HP is doing

I'm impressed!

This is a perfect example of how manufacturers are the best people to recycle their own products - they know what's in them better than anyone else!

However, for the rest of us, I guess I'll have to keep scanning in sound cards :)

Short attention span compatible e-waste video - super short, cool beats

Until I make my own, I've been looking for good, short videos about e-waste. I want something cool, interesting, but most of all informative while being compatible with the super-short attention span internet surfing crowd.

I found this one. It's great because:

- Just the facts
- Easy to follow and understand
- Very short
- Cool beats!

Check it out:

The one thing they didn't cover, when it comes to what you can do, is where The Flytrap Gear Wiki comes in - Figure out what YOU can make! Turn e-waste into the new, cool, tendy DIY hobby, and consume e-waste by feeding the bellies of the God of Rock!

E-waste - illegal recyclers in Canada

I'm not thrilled about the fact that CBC is posting videos online in a pain-in-the-butt fashion by using Windows Media embedded files. Linux and Mac users may find they have to download the files and watch them off their desktop.

In any case, so far it's the best video specifically related to Canada.

E-waste Dumping Ground at CBC

Ghana - Burning of Computer Cables

Here's another video of the conditions under which e-waste is processed:

Great Video all about Mafia, Crime, and Recycling

CBS's 60 Minutes did a great story on e-waste, and the smuggling of it into poor towns for the organized crime based recycling.

Apparently, the children there have the highest blood levels of lead in the world. Unbelievable.

You can watch the video here:

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Website!!!

Hey everyone! The newest Flytrap Gear website is up and ready to rock!

Check it out. We've got all the funky stuff as well as all the social networking we can dish out.

There's videos and sound samples and pictures, oh my! You can leave comments at the bottom of every page as well.

Also, this blog is the new home page, so you'll always get the latest news first.

Thanks again everyone for all the cheering and support!

ps - Don't forget to feed the fish :)